How the Cost of Living Is Impacting Gen Z

Voxburner Content Team

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The rising cost of living is yet another challenging global event that Gen Z are living through, impacting not only their health and wellbeing, but their spending habits too, and it falls to the brands they know and love to support them. 

Whether it’s understanding how your brand can empower your young consumers or learning where Gen Zers are looking for trusted information, we’ve got you covered in our Cost of Living for Gen Z infographic.

Our Cost of Living for Gen Z infographic will give you the latest insights to help you understand how this crisis is impacting young people and why you should get involved. But, before you get your hands on the full infographic, here are some key takeaways…

Seven stats on the cost of living for Gen Z 

💰 Only 8% of students are very confident they know where to seek financial support

💰 67% have suffered with mental health issues due to their financial situation 

💰 32% of students go to Instagram for financial wellbeing advice/tips

💰 69% think the government should be responsible for providing additional financial support for students during the cost of living criss

💰 Of those students who are cutting down on spending, 80% will be cutting down on eating out, 48% on alcohol and 41% on make up

💰 80% will be cutting down on non-essential spending over the next six months

💰 32% of students would like tips on how to approach conversations about money 

Voxburner’s Cost of Living for Gen Z infographic is available to download now. Get your free copy now.


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