Truly, Madly, Deeply: A Guide to Gen Z Dating Culture

There’s no doubt about it: Gen Z have been through a lot over the last ten years. A global pandemic, a war in Ukraine, the biggest economic crisis of the modern day and, of course, the seismic impact of movements like #MeToo.

Their intimacy sphere has never been of greater interest for marketers as we navigate the effects of these cultural changes.

This guide is your go-to resource, pulling on exclusive Voxburner data to share an in-depth analysis of what the dating landscape looks like for Gen Z.

We’ll explore key themes such as whether hook-up culture is a thing of the past for young consumers, the effect of film and television on their dating lives and of course, their usage of dating apps in a time where more are populating the online sphere than ever before.

This is a must read for brands looking to reach Gen Z. We hope you enjoy it!

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