Trend Alert | Buy Better, Wear Longer

Izzy Hall

Trend Alert introduces you to the latest trends that are impacting the daily lives of 16-24s.

While most fashion brands use their marketing meetings to come up with new ways to encourage customers to buy more clothes, one of the industry’s biggest names has launched a new campaign urging consumers to do the complete opposite.

This week, Levi’s launched ‘Buy Better, Wear Longer,’ their first global campaign in three years. It asks consumers to invest in quality clothing that will last, rather than contributing to the climate crisis by purchasing cheaper, lower quality items more often. The brand clearly has the Gen Z audience in mind, as they’ve got some of the biggest and coolest influencers from the Gen Z demographic on board to endorse their message. This includes football star and ‘free school meals’ campaigner Marcus Rashford, relatable YouTuber Emma Chamberlain, and rapper/actor Jaden Smith, along with several notable young activists.

Levi’s is appealing to Gen Z’s concerns about the future of the planet with this new campaign. Our 2020 Youth Trends Report revealed that 75% of 16-24s would be put off buying from a brand that harmed the environment, and 97% have changed their behaviour to protect the environment in some way. However, these stats can seem confusing when we consider the immense popularity of fast fashion. The reality is that cheap clothing from high street and ecommerce retailers is all too tempting to a young person feeling pressure to keep up with fashion trends, while also considering their limited budget. 65% admitted they have felt guilty for buying something that doesn’t align with their ethics.

‘Buy Better, Wear Longer’ aims to counteract the message that always having a new look for every Instagram post or night out is essential. Instead, it appeals to young people who appreciate quality products and good value for money. According to Student Beans’ latest Student Shopping Report, 32% of 16- to 24-year-old students say quality is their priority when spending on fashion, compared to 24% who say price is more important. Tapping into this sentiment, rather than participating in a ‘race to the bottom’ with retailers selling cheap, disposable clothing, is a smart move for Levi’s, a brand that is already established as a trustworthy manufacturer of quality products.

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